Child Of God

*.* Children of God *.*

Name: Acts-II
Vision: A loving community of disciples and evangelists of Christ.
Mission: Live the Sacraments, Worship in Unity, Share the Word and reach out as community to the Youths of IHM.
Age Group: 15 and above
Occupation: Evangelists of Christ
Hometown: Immaculate Heart Of Mary Church (IHM)

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

*.* We Pledge Ourselves As One United Body. *.*

Well this is going to be a busy time for our community eh? and its going to be (Busy x 2) for those classified under 'A', 'O', and 'N', by GOD's Grace you will make it through this period of insanity and retain your sanity. First up for those who were NOT listening to Mr Chua's breifing, we have SDYD coming up 22nd Aug A.K.A this coming sat. Remember NOT to play him out or you will suffer the consenquences. Facils to meet in church at 10am and those willing participants meet at 3pm and Ushers i think will be contacted by Erika. Do remember to take a super super heavy lunch cos we are kinda tight on budget and time so no dinner. there will NOT be any food or water there except a measly bun and a tiny bottle of water. Also we are running the YM mass on 11/9 so if you didnt turn up for todays session and you wanna help out do contact clem or john. We have Choir, Readers, Worship and Animation. Step right up and make your pick. Also we must pray that we do not get Jihaded on 11/9 ok?

The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12)

Messenger of God blogged @ | 11:59 PM